Next meeting of members

Please find the current information about the next meeting of members here.




About us Print

The association of German Maritime Consultants and Surveyors (VDSS) is the oldest association of its kind in Germany. Established in 1947 in Hamburg the association counts about 65 active members today, with activities spread all over Germany and abroad.

Among its members there are specialists for each branch of the deep sea and coastal shipping, the inland- and sport craft navigation, as well as for the transportation of goods.

Bound by its constitution and code of ethics it is approved that all members of VDSS are free and independent consultants and surveyors. These experts, who are partly also public appointed and sworn by the appropriate Chamber of Commerce, ensure an independent judgement and report without prejudice.


Verband Deutscher Schiffahrts-Sachverständiger e.V.

co.  Pihl Expert GmbH

Johannisbollwerk 20
20459 Hamburg
Tel.: 0 40 / 28 49 37 75
Fax: 0 40 / 43 19 36 86
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